Blog Parteeh ‘07

I believe this is a first blog party here in the Philippines. And I'm sure I dont want to miss this out!

The Blog Parteeh! 2007 is the largest blogger meet-up ever organized by bloggers for bloggers. The Steering Committee has worked so hard to organize this event and find sponsors. So, to make the process of joining the event more interesting and spicy with a bit of a buzz, scroll down and read how you can be part of this parteeh!

How to Get Invited

Since this event is for bloggers, we expect that you an active blog (you know what we mean by active). The program of the party was designed to revolve around your blog and fellow bloggers will get to check out your blogs before, during and after the event so be sure to get it all spiffy and updated.

I could rant and rant about it but you should go check out the website for more details, and oh, see ya!here's hoping you can go.

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